
Collage Making Activity

A Collage Making Activity was organized for the students of Class I  on 13th May 2024 on the current month's theme of Indian Heritage. The students creatively presented their collages. This activity exhibited the rich cultural heritage of our nation.

Heritage Club Activity

With the purpose to instill a sense of appreciation for our cultural heritage , the Heritage Club organised activities on World Heritage Day, 18 April 2024, in class  IV-V a collage making activity My Culture My Heritage conducted,in class VI-VII on sheet activity Sustainable living and Resource Management and in class VIII Discover and Experience Diversity conducted. In class...

State Level Winner-Youth Festival 2024

Our School has achieved yet another remarkable milestone! We participated in the National Youth Festival Competition for both the Solo and Group Folk Song categories, adding another feather to the cap. Additionally, one of our talented dancers from our school participated in the Nationals for the Kala Utsav Solo Traditional Dance Competition, adding another laurel to our accomplishments.

National Championship

It is matter of great pride, that 4 of our students were a key part of the National Championship winning Delhi team at the School Games Federation of India event. We are extremely proud of you Yashika Sehgal, Kaashvi Bansal, Ashish Dhanerwal and Arnav Kumar


Bhai Parmanand Vidya Mandir hosted farewell ceremony to bid adieu to the outgoing students of Class XII on 3rd February, 2024. It was an occasion for them to reminisce their joyous moments. It was a day full of mixed emotions and nostalgia. All Images

Republic Day

Bhai Parmanand Vidya Mandir celebrated India’s 75th Republic Day on 25th January, 2024 with patriotic zeal. The purpose was to inculcate the values of integrity, liberty and equality among our students.

हिंदी सप्ताह प्रतिवेदन 

     हिंदी हमारे सम्मान, स्वाभिमान व गर्व की भाषा है| हिंदी भाषा को सुदृढ़ करने हेतु विद्यालय में ‘अरुणिमा’ हिंदी सप्ताह मनाया गयाl जिसमें विविध गतिविधियों का आयोजन किया गया l वैश्विक गतिविधि के अंतर्गत कक्षा-’छठी से दसवीं’ हेतु ‘निबंध लेखन’ व कक्षा- ‘तीसरी से पाँचवीं’ हेतु ‘कहानी लेखन’ का आयोजन किया गया l कक्षा छठी से आठवीं के लिए...

Maths Week

To bolster students' confidence in solving mathematical problems, pupils from classes I-V were made to actively participate in outdoor games and activities which aimed at cultivating creativity and mathematical capabilities. Activities like Snakes and Ladders, Fun with Mathematical operations effectively reinforced the practical application of mathematical operations. The students displayed enthusiastic engagement throughout the sessions.  In advanced classes, a...